Hey guys! Anyone looking for a new family member? Arson and Kojack had 6 beautiful puppies. One of which is staying with Clever Canines to hopefully become a sport prospect. First let’s introduce Mom and Dad. Dad Kojack is a gorgeous boy and he’s got size on his side. Kojack loves to snuggle on the couch and is very food driven. Arson is the Mom and I can’t say anything bad about Arson. Arson is loyal and willing to please. Arson loves food, toys and affection but the thing Arson loves the most is hanging out with her owner preferably inside with the ac! Now what you’ve all been waiting for information about the puppies of course! Let’s start with the boys! Donatello has already started potty training and crate training. He has a super sweet temperament.Donatello believes that my Great Dane S’mores is going to be his lady (don’t worry we haven’t broke the news to him that she’s not). He has the cutest white spot on his chest. It will most likely go away as he ages but for now we can admire that little white spot. Donatello also lovessss to play in water (a habit at some point you will want to change and show him when it’s okay to play in the water) and the last fun fact about Donatello is that he is the largest of the litter. Okay, on to Digger. Digger is by far my favorite! As we all know everyone has favorites right? Digger is so funny, he loves to stick his nose in the toy bin and pull out the biggest toy his little body can carry and Trot around the house showing off his prize. He likes to tease his sisters with the toy and get them to play chase. DIgger always wins we just don’t break the news to the girls. He has started potty training and crate training and is doing well for his age! I can’t say anything bad about Digger! Next is Little miss Diva, I suggested the name Diva after my husky. Diva is a total Diva. She wants allll the attention on her. It’s so funny to watch her run over when she realizes that your loving on one of her siblings. Diva has a lot of energy but once she’s wore out she will go find the shade and chill in the shade until her attention finds a squirrel (if you know what I mean