Beautiful German Shepherd puppies!! Mom and Dad are AKC registered. Mom weighs about 75lbs and Dad weighs 85lbs. Dad was National Champion in 2021 Universal Sieger Competition. Mom is a service dog. Selling puppies for $2300. You can come anytime to see the puppies. To hold it is $200, FCFS. Due date to take to your home is May 24. So, you can choose the best one for you now. After you choose your puppy, you'll pay $800 total, then you'll pay another $1500 when you take it to your home, with 2 months old. You can not take your puppy before 2 months old. We'll have to make sure all puppies are in very good health. They will be AKC registered and have all vaccines done before you take them. If you're really interested, you can call or text me at (xxx)xxx-xxxx. Thanks. JR.