deposit for litters are 250.00 payable thru paypal at BOTH litters will be medium drive. pups are born and raised indoors in constant interaction with kids and all the dogs all the time. at 3 weeks old we begin the noise training around them such as action movies that have thunder,fireworks,gunshots and other surprising elements to teach them to have nerves of steel. we have a group for all the parents of unique german shepherds on facebook. please come and join us and watch the puppies be born and grown along with their litter-mates. this is a truly unique and special experience, we do daily weigh ins, videos and tons of pictures. we are expecting the puppies to be born around september 30th. and the babies will be ready to go the weekend before thanksgiving. the babies come with their registration,micro-chipping, kennel cough and their first dhpp. a full health contract and a2 year year guarantee. and a baby bag loaded down for baby's first few days home. food,toys,baby blanket and traveling essentials. i will deliver anywhere in the usa aside from alaska and hawaii. you can also text for more pictures. xxx-xxx-xxxx our deposits are 250.00. payable thru paypal at Email Me Here or if you are local you can stop by for a vist. we also have a youtube channel designated to the puppies. please join us and subscribe this is our business website or come join the family on facebook. this is the group for all the parents. and this group is specifically for these 2 upcoming litters.