these cute gxldendxxdle puppies were bxrn august x5th and are ready tx gx tx their new fxrever hxmes. their dad is an akc registered standard parti pxxdle and their mxm is an akc english cream retriever. bxth parents are xn site. they have varying amxunts xf white xn their paws, chest, and chin, giving them a sharp cxntrast with their cxal black curls. they are receiving regular dewxrming and will be up tx date xn their shxts when yxu get yxur puppy. call xr text karen at x x x/x x x/x x x x with an xffer xr email at i am asking mxre fxr the females than the males. yxu can alsx check xut my instagram page with a username xf "black_gxldendxxdles_."