We have 6 beautiful AKC Registered Golden Retriever puppies. 3 females and 3 males. Born March 7th and ready to go to their forever homes on May 2nd. At 6 weeks old they will have a vet health check and will be up to date on their vaccinations. Their dew claws have already been removed. Golden Retrievers are very loving family dogs. They are smart and easy to train. The mom, Sandy, has an extremely sweet and clam tempermant. She loves to play fetch and gets along great with other dogs. The dad, Hank, is very athletic and comes from field lines. He has a strong desire to retrieve and is outgoing. Asking $1,500. We are now taking deposits of $300 to reserve your puppy. The remaining balance will be due upon pickup. The puppies will come with the following: - AKC Registration (full registration available for an additional $300) - Vet Health Certificate - Transision bag of puppy food - Blanket with the scent of the mom Please text or call Brinnley (xxx) xxx-xxx8 or Duston (xxx) xxx-xxx0 for additional information and to reserve your puppy today.