x preci0us purebred g0lden retriever puppies b0rn 0ct xx. father is akc registered diam0nd. m0m is akc registered sally. puppies can be registered akc. puppies have been vet checked, dew0rmed, and xst sh0ts. puppies are very active and l0ving. they will add a l0t 0f fun t0 y0ur family. females are: ruby rita males are: r0cky ricky r0ger r0bert ray r0n puppies are l0cated n0rth 0f h0lt0n, mi between muskeg0n and frem0nt, x h0ur n0rth 0f grand rapids. f0r m0re inf0rmati0n, 0r t0 c0me meet the ad0rable puppies, call xxx xxx xxxx 0r xxx xxx..xxxx. if n0 answer, please leave a message and s0mex will return y0ur call. x x x x x x x x x x