Golder Retriever puppies for sale. Puppies were born on June 29th and will be ready for their new forever homes on August 24th. The father is an AKC registered Golden Retriever but the mother is not (her mother is AKC registered but her father is not). Both parents have beautiful white fur that appears to have been passed on to the puppies. All puppies have already had their dew claws removed and will have received their first round of shots by the time they are ready for their new homes. The cost per puppy is a $150 non-refundable deposit (via Venmo) and an additional $450 (total of $600) when you come to pick them up. UPDATE: only one puppy left (Boy #2). I can send more pictures and video upon request. Please text Jeff at xxx-xxx-xxxx for additional information or to make a deposit.