Recently Adopted Goldendoodle Puppies Near Golden Valley
F1b Goldendoodle Puppies
These 8(4 boys 4 girls) beautiful babies were born on Fathers Day 2022 and are looking for their furever home. They have had their first shots and have been wormed. They are home raised. Their parents are loving wonderful pets. Their Mom is a white Goldendoodle (mom white standard poodle, Dad Eng. White Retriever) and their Dad is a Red Standard Poodle.View Detail
Goldendoodle puppies
3 males left they’re three months old on the 28th of august they’ve had there shots been dewormed and are ready for homesView Detail
Golden/Doodle pups
We are looking for our forever homes mom standard poodle, dad is white Euro golden retriever so we are considered teddy bear we were 8 wks old on Christmas day. Will be up to date on worming and shots.We were born in the house and live inside with are human. very social all boys .Make excellent pets for all ages and service animals. We are working on potty training.Feel free to cal xxx-xxx-xxxx or test and email to We can be delivered for a fee by Rough Rough Riders.Extra care given while on way.View Detail
Solid white doodles dad is a standard white golden retriever and mom is a standard white poodle.They are up to date on shots worming and vet checked. Very social as they have been raised in the home . They will make an excellent pet for young and old alike. Make excellent service dogs. Were Born on June 14th so are ready for a forever home. We live 80 miles south of Las Vegas in Az. can provide transportation for a reasonable fee. Feel free to call or text to 9xx xx9 6xx7 or email to xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail