Sad day for me! Our new french bulldog we just picked up is needing an unfortunate immedi..
Very sweet male brindle. Call xxx xxx xxx2 for more info..
we have babies.4 females left. born 12/6/2024. babies cost 1500. we are taking deposits d..
Pure bread Cane corso is a smart dog he is only 4 months. And needs someone with patience..
Female blue HarleyQuinn for sale, I have become ill and I cannot take care of her. She is..
I have 5 puppies left 3 boys one 2 girl i own mom n dad they will have two shots n have b..
2 beautiful female show marked mantle pups left. AKC registered. Parents OFA health teast..
Golden Retriever Great Dane mixed
Born November 28,2023
First puppy shots and deworming..
we have babies.4 females left. born 12/6/2024. babies cost 1500. we are taking deposits d..
Great Golden Danes
Great Dane Golden Retriever mixed
10 1/2 weeks old
First round of..
blacks and browns- 1,700
merles and harlequins- 2,000
sweet loving pups
we will start..
AKC registered Chocolate Great Danes, 3 males 2 females ready to go January 30th. Come wi..
Hello! We currently have 2 Great Dane puppies available. They are 7 weeks old and are AKC..
Frankie has had one litter she was a great mom. She has had some service training. She is..
Kismet is an exceptional male. International Champion. Proven stud. He is a Harlequin. I ..
Beautiful great Dane puppies lots of colors. Black mantle, harlequin and gray or merle ma..
Male and females ready to go week of July 4th. Born 5/4/23. Will have shots and xxxxxxxx...
ZuZu is sweet loving playful girl she likes to cuddle up she is in a home environment wit..
Amazing puppies! We have pure bred Great Dane puppies..
AKC registered Fawn male Great Dane. Around 8 months old. Still intact. Buster is his nam..
12 wks 3 male 2 female.250.00 great Christmas gifts...
Great Danes 11 wks all shots dewormed. 3 male 2 female...
5! 8 week minature Aussie/Lagotto pups a few have blue eyes the brown one has a half blue..
11 wks old 2 blk an white female 4 gray with blk. Male. Text xxx xxx xxx5..
AKC. Pedigree registration. All vaccination and deworming! 100%European Blood.
If inter..
Great Dane X English Mastiff puppies ready to go December 22nd, just in time for Christma..
Male and female MANTEL S. Akc registered. Dewclaw removed. Wormed and shots up to date. L..
Piper had her puppies and has 3 red boy available . Mom is red and weighs 9lbs and dad is..
2 female liver & white Brittany puppies looking for their forever home. Birthday Nove..
These puppies are F1bb mini Golden Doodles. Born October 1st. Offering a pre-Christmas di..
I own the sire and dame which are both on site. Both Akc registered champions. Raised wit..