Born January 31,2023. Harlequin to black breeding. Our gorgeous Harlequin Nikita had her 1st litter of 8 beautiful puppies. She has 4 Harlequin, 3 blacks and 1 merle. Both parents have a very nice pedigree. Mother is 35inch and 108 lbs. Sire is about 36 inches and 175 lbs. Puppies will be vet checked for health and wellness by our vet at 6 weeks of age. Puppies will come with akc puppy application. Litter will be sold on a akc limited registration, Full registration could be considered. Each pup will receive a written report on their health results from our vet. They already have due claws removed and will be given 1st & 2nd shots & utd on wormings. Puppies will be starting basic training and will also start on potty training. Puppies will come with a sample of puppy food, and also a collar & leash. We will also send a toy with mothers sent to help with their transition into their new home. We will not ship our puppies but will consider meeting new owners at a designated public place if needed. Puppies can leave at 8 weeks of age. Ready to go to their new home by March 28th 2023. If interested call or text. xxx-xxx-xxxx.