LOCATION OF DOG: Macon GA NAME: Stella MALE OR FEMALE: female AGE OR DATE OF BIRTH (best estimate): 1year WEIGHT (best estimate): 66 HOUSE BROKEN : Yes BREED or MIX (best guess): Great Dane SPAYED (females) OR NEUTERED (males): Yes VACCINATED: Yes IF VACCINATED- Can you provide documentation/vet records to support their vaccine history? Yes ON HEARTWORM PREVENTION? Yes ON FLEA/TICK PREVENTION? Yes GOOD WITH KIDS: Absolutely GOOD WITH OTHER DOGS: Yes GOOD WITH CATS: Yes WHICH TIER IS YOUR REHOMING FEE? (See tiers explained above and indicate 1, 2,or 3. Only discuss the actual amount of the fee via PM): We are currently trying to sell her PREFERRED CONTACT METHOD & INFO: Facebook Messenger OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE DOG: stella is a sweet, beautiful & loving who is looking for her next loving home we love having her she is very gentle and kind but we are currently in a hotel and can’t house her anymore… I do have All her paperwork, food & toys PLEASE reach out to me if interested