Great Pyrenees Puppies ready to be homed. We have our second litter of puppies ready to go to new homes. Momma is a rare short hair Pyrenees (Beautiful coat, like a golden retrievers coat with the waves of hair, but she is full bred Pyrenees). Poppa is the typical long hair. Puppies are 8 weeks old and vaccinated. Ready to go to new homes. There is 2 long hairs and 6 short hairs including the 2 males. One female left with spots was on her eyes was long hair. The other had been homed. The short hairs are going for 1200.00 and the 2 typical long hairs are 1000.00 each. We keep in touch with all our past buyers through group text with picture updates and how well all the puppies are doing so, with your permission you will be added to the group to see how their first litter is doing as well as all the pups in this second litter. xxx-xxx-xxxx. Willing to drive anywhere in the United States for a travel fee. Located in Deland Fl. They had their first litter in Az but we decided to move here in Sept.They were born Oct 21st. Poppa (Duke) is 20 months old and was only 8 months when (Momma) Josie went into her heat of the first litter and 10 months old when she had them on Valentines day. He is an April 1st baby. Josie is 4 years old this March 16th and had her first litter on her third heat (as recommended). This is again their second litter. One puppy on first litter had entropion and none have it on this litter. All very playful and doing great! xxx-xxx-xxxx