I am accepting a deposit on Scout! Scout is a cream/white boy! He was born on May 31 and will be ready July 19 for his new home! His mom is a cinnamon color and dad is mostly black with white socks and chest. He does have multiple champions in his pedigree and show potential! This litter is UKC registered, will be dewormed 3 times, utd, vet checked, and comes with a1 year health gaurentee. Our litter is raised in our home where they will be daily loved on and played with, and prespoiled by our kids! We will also be pretraining them on puppy pads! Scout is $2,000! We are located in Southwest VA. We will meet on pick up day, can arrange ground or air transport. If you are interested in him please call or text(xxx)xxx-xxxx. I will not respond to emails! Our website is xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx if you'd like to look! We are accepting a $200 deposit to hold him!