We have 1 boy ($1000) &2 girls ($1100) Havanese puppies born 12/11/15. Our puppies come from small parents and will be 8-12 lbs. when full grown. They come with 1 year health guarantee, 1st puppy shot, regular worming and well socialized. We strive to breed healthy pets with great dispositions that will bring you joy for years to come. Havanese are a joy to be around. They are very sweet, intelligent and eager to please. Havanese love their "pack" and will gladly run around and play with children or simply cuddle up with you on the couch. They are very social dogs, enjoy meeting people and other pets, and will get along with anybody. The Havanese are considered to be non-shedding and hypoallergenic, which makes them a better choice for people with allergies. If you would like to come meet our puppies and their parents please give us a call at xxx-xxx-xxxx.