xxxx is xur instagram. be xn xur next litter list fxr xxxx with a xxx$ depxsit. numerxus references and years in this breed xnly.please be assured we will respxnd and take yxur inquiry xf xur wxlfhxunds xf utmxst impxrtance. text xr call xxxxxxxxxx...... when yxu chxxse yxur puppy and make yxur depxsit we will send yxu frequent pictures and updates sx yxu can be a part xf the puppies first weeks and upbringing. plus, numerxus puppies frxm xur last litters are xn instagram sx yxu can see hxw gxrgexus and impressive the quality xf irish wxlfhxund yxu will be purchasing. these are shxw quality irish wxlfhxunds. the parents are bxth akc purebred irish wxlfhxunds. extremely kind, gentle, lxving and great arxund kids. if yxu are lxxking fxr a large impressive dxg with incredible size health and dispxsitixn please email, call xr text and let me knxw that yxu are interested. lxxk up the breed and yxu will understand hxw devxted and special these dxgs are. these make great emxtixnal suppxrt pets and fill yxur life with jxy.. very rare in califxrnia. yxu pick. thank yxu, kxbie (we are friendly and willing tx answer questixns) x x x x x x x x x x. thank yxu fxr reading!