Trainer is loving and attentive. He’s a protector at heart for a little guy. Tiffany is..
we have babies.4 females left. born 12/6/2024. babies cost 1500. we are taking deposits d..
French bulldog puppy female blue color with blue eyes..
These puppies are one of a kind the mother is American bulldog and the father is German R..
Charlie is 13 weeks old. He is very playful and sweet. CKC registered. Has had shots and ..
Beautiful True Black/White Male.Our puppies are born in our home and are closely monitore..
Get one before they are all spoken for!!!
We have 3 female jack russell puppies left fo..
I have three Jack Russell puppies looking for forever homes they are 9 weeks old they are..
French bulldog puppy female blue color with blue eyes..
Jack Russell/Dachshund mixed male dog, 7 months old, black and brown smooth coat like his..
We have been raising Jack Russells for 18 years and absolutely love them! They are very g..
Russell Terrier
I have some Jack
Russell puppies ready for
their fure..
Male Jack Russell mix
55 lbs 10 months old
Very well behaved
Is house trained
They are so cute! 8 weeks old. Ready to go to there forever home! So much personality, so..
4 week old Jack Russell terrier puppy. Ejrtca registered shorties smooth coats dew claws ..
I have some gorgeous Jack Russell Puppies ready for their furever homes! Their are 3 stil..
•Naples Florida area:;
I have some gorgeous Jack
Russell puppies ready for
their ..
Penn Valley area.
Text for more photos and details
(xxx) xxx-xxx1..
Beautiful Rottweiler puppies 10 wks old. Tails docked, dewormed, up to date on shots. Ver..
Black/White Jack-a-poo
Very affectionate and energetic
Very loyal and friendly
Adorable four boys JRT puppies looking for a new family. Available after November 3rd. Pu..
Lovable short legged 4 month male. Sociable with other dogs and his sister cat. Full of e..
ICCF/UKC (full rights) cane corso puppies available for new homes Feb 1st. Taking deposit..
We have a female puppy that is light tan with Jack Russell markings and is the biggest lo..
Puppies have vets visit, tails docked,shots and very healthy
Well behaved socially and ..
We have 3 jack Russell terriers for sale mother and father are registered with national k..
Madison is a1 yr old (birthday oct 5, 2021), energetic, loving, beautiful Jack Russell Te..
I wanted to introduce you to our little one, who is available now. She is full of energy,..
I have teacup and regular size Maltese . They come registered and up to date on shots and..
I own the sire and dame which are both on site. Both Akc registered champions. Raised wit..
8 weeks olds this Sunday. Smart, gorgeous and intelligent puppies❣️
All puppies have..