AKC registered 3 month old puppies. They are smart, sweet, affectionate, and loyal. They ..
I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..
ABKC 8 week old puppies paperwork in hand all update on shots and deworm the other pictur..
Champion European bloodline on females side. She's been heart tested and showed no signs ..
We have a litter of 8 pups, all black and curly. 2 girls and 4 boys are still available. ..
We are delighted to announce the arrival of our litter of 8 puppies 2 Girls and 6 Boys.6 ..
Beautiful labradoodle puppies for sale. Ready for their forever homes Mother's Day weeken..
Male Chocolate Labradoodle. He has received three vaccinations and three dewormings. He c..
ABKC 8 week old puppies paperwork in hand all update on shots and deworm the other pictur..
We have for sale one gorgeous labradoodle puppy, she has a wavey coat and is ready to go ..
Kujo has beautiful hair that is cream & apricot colors, thick & long & has gr..
Elvis is a F1b second generation Labradoodle puppy born 11-22-16.Elvis got his name from ..
Fluffy is a second generation Labradoodle puppy with a pink nose & green eyes. VeryCu..
Good bloodlines: Parents have ofa clearance on eyes, cardiac, thyroid, hips and elbows. A..
Sheba is an adorable F1b Labradoodle puppy born 11-22-16, second generation. She has very..
text for more details xxx xxx xxx3.The puppies are wormed up to date have had an Advocate..
We have black and white labrador puppies male and female 2 months old only to good famili..
Multigen labradoodle puppies. We have All colors with beautiful fleece coats.
Call xxx-..
Champion European bloodlines working class farm raised. Parents on site Both parents were..
These cuties will be ready for Christmas. Asking $150 but will work with the right homes...
Beautiful,hypoallergenic,non shedding,with excellent personalities,smart,sweet,gentle,pla..
Beautiful,hypoallergenic,non shedding,with excellent personalities,smart,sweet,gentle,pla..
Beautiful,hypoallergenic,non shedding,with excellent personalities,smart,sweet,gentle,pla..
Pug Will go home with current three plus sets of shots,four sets of Wormings. Mom is 15 p..
Beautiful,hypoallergenic,non shedding,with excellent personalities,smart,sweet,gentle,pla..
Beautiful,hypoallergenic,non shedding,with excellent personalities,smart,sweet,gentle,pla..
Beautiful,hypoallergenic,non shedding,with excellent personalities,smart,sweet,gentle,pla..
Beautiful,hypoallergenic,non shedding,with excellent personalities,smart,sweet,gentle,pla..
I have a dame and sire English Cream Golden Retriever. They have puppies once or twice a ..
These puppies are F1bb mini Golden Doodles. Born October 1st. Offering a pre-Christmas di..
These pups were raised in our home/ full AKC dogs. Any questions email me or call. We hav..
Puppies are 8 weeks dewormed, first set of shots , very loveable and playful ready to spe..