Mr. Brown is an F1bb labradoodle. He was born on Oct.xx,xxxx. He is 8 months old. He was raised in my family home with my grandchildren. He is very loving and affectionate. He loves to play with his toys especially his ball. He has had all 3 of his puppy shots. He has been dewormed and has had 2 doses of interceptor Plus and Cedellio. He has also had his rabies shot. So he does not need any shots for another year. He is looking for his forever home. I am part golden retriever, yellow lab and 63% poodle so I should be more hypoallergenic. I should be very smart and easy to train. I am a potential ESA. Two of my brothers were adopted by families who wanted to train their puppies to be service/therapy dogs for their sons who had autism. Another one of my brothers was adopted by a person who wanted an emotional support dog to help with her PTSD. Text xxxx