F1B Labradoodle puppies, born August 13th and ready to go to their forever homes. At this time we have 2 females and 4 males. The mother is our Blue F1 Labradoodle Molly who is around 60lbs, and the sire of this litter is an apricot Standard poodle, around 80lbs. We have Black (which may turn blue with age), and apricot/redish cream puppies, some of which have white markings on their feet. All of these puppies should have amazing low or no shed coats and are a great choice for people with allergies. Our puppies are 100% healthy, and come complete with vet examination, 1st shots, dewormed, and dew claw removed. We also include a toy with the litters scent to ease the transition, a sample of puppy food, and additional information. We are located in Davison Mi (near Flint) and are available to deliver within the state if needed. Call or text xxx xxx xxx2