Rileys Papa is English an mama is American AKC REGISTERED.... He is super friendly an lov..
Akc lab puppies born 9/18/24. Will be ready to go at 8 weeks of age. Have had dew claws r..
Mother Registered American Lab 65xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx..
Beautiful yellow lab puppies. Full AKC registration. Born 11/13/24, they’ll be ready fo..
AKC Registered, vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped and vet checked...
Anna, Ohio AKC registered Lab puppies looking for their forever home. Born December 7th 2..
5 weeks old 4 males 4 females. Ready to go 2/20/23..
American Labradors from hunting parents. I have 3 chocolate males and 1 black female. Dam..
Mother Registered American Lab 65xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx..
$1000 each. Puppies are four months old and we’re born on August 27. They are brother a..
Yellow lab , 13 months very hyper , loves playing fetch , good with other animals , and l..
Mastador puppies for sale, 2nd generation. 4 females available, variety of brindles. Born..
AKC Silver and black Lab Puppies. DOB 11/15/2022. Ready to go now. Has had 1st vaccinatio..
4 males, 3 females CKC Registered Labs. 1st shots given. De-wormed. 8 weeks as of 11/29/2..
Chase is a very friendly and smart dog. He absolutely loves attention from children,we on..
AKC registered female yellow lab for sale. Located in Wooster, Ohio. She is 1.5 years old..
9 week old silver lab female. She is playful, adventurous and would make a great pet. Her..
Beautiful Fox Red parents from champion lines. OFA tested & AKC registered.
Come wi..
I have 4 black female purebred labs for sale. They are currently 4 weeks old and will be ..
6 English lab puppies. 1 black female and 5 males. All
vet checked and up to date on sho..
Puppies will be eight weeks old this Sunday. Puppies will have received their first vacci..
Black Lab Puppy 11 weeks old, purchased from breeder 1 week ago , unable to keep due to h..
We have 2 charcoal (1 boy, 1 girl)Mom and dad are AKC registered. The puppies have had fi..
AKC with all vaccines and dewormer.
These yellow lab puppies are amazing family dogs! Th..
Chocolate lab male pups ready for their forever home. Born October 27 2022...
Basil is 4 months old, very active, energetic and a happy little pup. Has some terrier in..
AKC labs! Ready to go. Girls left. Only 2!
Vaccinated and dewormed...
AKC registered Lab puppies Ready for Christmas. Born Oct. 26th. Be ready to go Dec. 21st...
AKC fox red female in xxxx. Will travel up to 200 miles to meet to deliver. 100.00 deposi..
Come get this beautiful young puppies. This puppies are available now . And one large adu..
Hello we currently have one male and female left. They are 12 weeks old, up to date and A..
AKC registered 3 month old puppies. They are smart, sweet, affectionate, and loyal. They ..