LABRADOR PUPPIES LOOKING FOR THIER LOVING, CARING HOMES FOREVER. The pups were born on the 14th of June. Daisy and Charlie have had a new litter. Only available 1 Yellow girl. 1 Pale(white) boy. 1 Yellow boy. 3 Black girls. All puppies are already KC registered. •Will be health vet checked. •Microchipped. • Vaccinated + extra Kennel cough puppy vaccine which usually cost $25 . •Fleas & ticks. •5 weeks free KennelsClub Insurance +4 weeks free Petplan insurance. Bag of food and a blanket. Will make excellent family pets or working dogs. Puppies are grown indoor/outdoor so they will be very well socialised. Daisy (Mother) is our beautiful loving family dog. She is an intelligent and very friendly lady, which has grown up with 3 children and a cats on a very busy environment. In her blood line there are 16 champions very popular Field Champions like DRAKESHEAD, LEADBURN, TURRAMURRA TEAL and more. Charlie (Father) is handsome boy. The temperament of this dog is exceptional and his manners are impeccable. He is a big bold dog and his character matchs. Charlie is well socialised with all animals, cats/dogs/rabbit/gerbils/horses and is a gentle giant and he adores the 2 children he lives with. Puppies is ready to leave Price $400 If you have any question text me (xxx)xxx-xxxx. I'm always happy to help or give you advise.