Hola! I am Loona, the delicate chocolate ACA female Labrador Retriever! I was born on Oct 28, 2017, my mom weighs 60 lbs and dad weighs 75 lbs. I’ll come, with my shots and wormed to date. I am loving, gentle, playful, friendly and smart. I love to play, run, chase and just be with you. I get along with children and pets. They’re asking $599.00 for me. Do you think I’m the adorable girl pup ever and want to bring me home with you? Then, call the wonderful people at That Doggy in the Window at the number below and make it happen! We advertise for breeders located in Ohio We offer Door to Door Delivery and shipping More puppies for sale at www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Call or Text xxx-xxx-xxxx Email: xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx