I have nine puppies that are looking for forever homes. They were born on April 12. They have been dewormed. I have 6 females and 3 males. Mom is bulldog/pit mix and dad is pit mix. Both parents are medium size (30-40 lbs) with extremely sweet and docile demeanors. The puppies are eating dry food with some wet food mixed in (Wellness) and are very healthy and active. I’m only willing to consider rehoming to stable, experienced homes that have the ability and means to care for an animal. There is a small rehoming fee to help cover the cost of care and to help show that you have the means to provide adequate and necessary care. As advised by our vet, these puppies are ready to go now to ensure a strong bonding experience with their forever families. Please text only if you are seriously interested. Also remember, giving a puppy, or any other animal, as a gift to someone is never a smart choice…the decision to bring a pet into a home needs to be made by the person who will be the primary caretaker