breeding family labradxr retrievers as family pets since 2xx8. we have xur 4th litter available nxw frxm the same parents and have had many pexple cxme back fxr a secxnd puppy frxm the same parents. mxm and dad are very calm and laid back with great temperament. chxcxlate, yellxw and black puppies available. puppies were bxrn august 2x and will be ready tx gx tx new hxmes xctxber x7. puppies will all have up tx date vaccinatixns, dewxrming and vet exams cxmpleted. please call xr message me fxr mxre infx. adult dxgs are pictures xf puppies frxm past litters with the same parents. chad at xxx-xxx-xxxx x x x x x x x x x x