NAME: Venus MALE OR FEMALE: Female AGE OR DATE OF BIRTH (best estimate): 7 months WEIGHT (best estimate): 60 HOUSE BROKEN: Yes BREED or MIX (best guess): Lab/Rot SPAYED (females) OR NEUTERED (males): no VACCINATED: Yes IF VACCINATED- Can you provide documentation/vet records to support their vaccine history? Yes ON HEARTWORM PREVENTION? No ON FLEA/TICK PREVENTION? Yes GOOD WITH KIDS: Yes GOOD WITH OTHER DOGS: Yes GOOD WITH CATS: Never been around one PREFERRED CONTACT METHOD & INFO: Facebook Message OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE DOG: venus is truly an amazing dog. She only barks when she senses danger or needs to use the bathroom. She enjoys belly rubs and snacks. She doesn't destroy things or make messes She doesn't run off when the door is open or let of her leash. She is protective but not aggressive. She will run to you when she is scared. She is very loving and loyal and the best dog l've ever had. I'm very sad that she can no longer stay as my lifestyle has changed so much that we can't properly care for her. She is in good health and would make a great addition to a family or retiree. CONTACT OWNER for rehoming fee and any