We have 6 males and 3 females in this litter to choose from. The puppies will be available December 22, 2017. Puppies will be vet checked and micro chipped. 4 chocolate and 6 black in this litter. Dam of Litter: Amber Sky's Kloe is an English Fox Red Labrador. She is a very calm and gentle family friend. She has a blocky head, stout legs and a heart to please. She loves to retrieve and she is started on retrieving sheds and shed hunting and does well with them. Sire of Litter: Trono is Dark Chocolate English Male Labrador and is Akc Registered. He is a calm and gentle family companion that is Hip and Elbows Certified through the Orthopedic Foundation of Animals and loves to retrieve. Sire of Kloe: Highlands Titus Steel has his Junior Hunter Certificate through the American Kennel Club and his Hunting Retriever Award through the United Kennel Club. Titus is Hip and Elbows Certified through the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. Call or text xxxxxxxxxx to reserve them today. We are located near Shreve Ohio.