AKC Labrador Retriever Puppies ready 4/21/18 As of 4/14 we only have one female left from this litter. Located in Kennewick Washington These pups are several sessions into their deworming cycles. They have had their dewclaws removed. They had their first shots 04/12/2018. These dogs will make great hunters, antler retrievers or even just great family pets. Your AKC folder will also come with a copy of the litter certificate which shows 3 generations and a record of your puppy's shots and deworming cycle. Dam is 55lbs and sire is 90lbs. We are asking $800 for full registration rights. Limited registration is negotiable. We will be letting people come see the puppies this weekend 4/14-4/15. If interested in stopping by please text or call me and we will schedule a time. I do work M-F 8am-6pm so please be patient for me to respond. Thanks for looking! xxx-xxx-xxxx