AKC Lab Puppies Are Here, 28 Titles In 6 Generation Pedigree On Mom’s Side Alone! The puppies were born May 9th, 2015! There were 7 puppies in the litter. There is 1 chocolate female, 1 chocolate male, 1 fox red male, 1 white male, 2 fox red females and 1 black female. We only have 3 left available for sell. All the rest of the puppies have deposits on them and are sold. We have available 1 white male, 1 fox red male and 1 black female. The puppies will be ready to go to their new homes June 20th, 2015 and they will be 6 weeks old at this time. The puppies will come with their 1st set of puppy shots. They will have had their dew claws removed and will be dewormed at 2, 4 and 6 weeks of age. The puppies will come with FULL AKC Registration papers, a 12 month written health guarantee. The puppies will be around kids and other pets. We are accepting $250 non-refundable deposits now! The deposit comes off the total price of the puppy. The total price for each puppy is $850. The mom’s name is Layla. She is chocolate in color and is AKC Registered. She has (AFC) which means (American Field Trail Champion), (NFC) which means (National Field Champion), (FC) which means (Field Trial Champion), (CH) which means (Champion), (JH) which means (Junior Hunter), (SH) which means (Senior Hunter), (MH) which means (Master Hunter), (TD) which means (Tracking Dog), (CD) which means (Companion Dog) in her bloodlines. 18 of the 28 titles are of Champion. Layla is 65 pounds and has the big otter tail. She is very smart and loves the water. The Dad's name is Hunter. He is AKC Registered and has (MH) which mean (Master Hunter) in his bloodlines. Hunter is 85 pounds, but not full grown yet. He should be around 95 to 100 pounds full grown. Hunter is Chocolate in color and loves the water. He has a big block head and a really nice body build. Call or text me (Kevin) at (xxx) xxx-xxx1, If you would like to put a deposit down on one of the puppies. We now take any major credit card or debit card as a payment option. It is very safe and secure. We don’t get your information, it goes right to Pay-Pal and you don’t have to have a Pay-Pal account to make the payment. You can also come out in person and put your deposit down in cash, it’s up to you. PLEASE NOTE: We don’t take checks of any kind. The puppies, mom and dad are in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and that's where you would come and get the puppy. If you are too far away to come and get the puppy I can deliver the puppy to you personally myself for a reasonable fee. I have been breeding dogs for many years and I love it very much. I have a business license to raise and sell puppies in the state of Tennessee called Johnson's Labrador Retrievers. Please visit our website at http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Thank you and God Bless!