AKC And CKC Registered Labrador Retriever. His name is Dakota. I have had him from when he was a puppy. Dakota is now 4 years old. He is up to date on all his shots, He has been DNA tested and comes with FULL breeding rights, his pedigree and his AKC and CKC Registration Papers. Dakota has (JH) which means (Junior Hunter) and (CD) which means (Companion Dog) in his bloodlines. He is Fox Red / Yellow in color. He has been a great stud dog and has produced many litters. He throws all colors, black, chocolate and yellows. The yellows are from white to fox red. Dakota loves the water so much I can’t keep him out of it, he’s like a fish when he is in the water. I am selling him because I have another stud that is chocolate and I’m only wanting to breed chocolates. The total price for Dakota is $800. If you would like to come out and look at him or buy him please call or text me Kevin at (xxx) xxx-xxx1. If you would like to put a deposit down on him until you can pick him up you can on our website. We now take any major credit card or debit card as a payment option. It is very safe and secure. We don’t get your information, it goes right to Pay-Pal and you don’t have to have a Pay-Pal account to make the payment. The deposit is $250 and is non-refundable. The deposit comes off the total price. PLEASE NOTE: We don’t take checks of any kind. Please visit our website at http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Thank you and God Bless!