CKC Registered Labrador Retriever. Her name is Katie. I have had her from when she was a puppy. She is 5 years old now. Katie is black in color. She has been a great breeder dog and has produced many healthy litters. Katie is great around kids and other dogs. Her puppies were in the 2015 Jack Daniels Calendar with country music singer Kellie Pickler. You can see the calendar on our website under our photo gallery page. I am selling Katie because I’m retiring her from breeding. Katie is up to date on all her shots. She comes with her CKC Registration Papers but does not come with breeding rights. The total price for her is $500. If you would like to come out and look at her or buy her please call or text me Kevin at (xxx) xxx-xxx1. If you would like to put a deposit down on her until you can pick her up you can on our website. We now take any major credit card or debit card as a payment option. It is very safe and secure. We don’t get your information, it goes right to Pay-Pal and you don’t have to have a Pay-Pal account to make the payment. The deposit is $250 and is non-refundable. The deposit comes off the total price. PLEASE NOTE: We don’t take checks of any kind. Please visit our website at Thank you and God Bless!