Stocky High Quality AKC English Lab Puppies Dozer is very stocky Dark Chocolate stocky male lab puppy. He will come with Full AKC Registration. He was born December 22, 2018 and will be ready for his new home for a special Valentine. His parents are from English background and family raised pets. Mom is very laidback and love to go to the lake and swimming in the pool. Coco is very stocky and laidback personality. She weight about 70 labs. She loves kids and is very gentle with them and other animals. Dad is very laidback stocky lab both are family inside outside pets. Jake has received his Canine Good Citizen Archives (CGC)from AKC. We are going to doggie classes now to get more titles on him. Dozer will be very easy to house train. I will start crate training him at 5 weeks old. He is wormed every week from 10 days old till he goes to her new home. He will have all his required shots and has had his dew claws removed. For more information or pictures email or call xxx-xxx-xxxx. I accept PayPal or cashiers check for deposit to hold your new puppy. I can ship almost anywhere in US for $275.00. I use Air Bound Pets. They are great with your puppy. Check out their web site. They have been recommended by my Vet. Check out my Web Site or Facebook page for pedigree and more pictures. Feel free to email or call anytime for more information or pictures xxx-xxx-xxxx. See less details