xxx xxx xxx8 1xxx obo. We bought Cloud as a small puppy. He's a beautiful Yellow Labrador with lots of love to give. We love him so much but my 5 year old son has been diagnosed with Asthma. JACKSON is going to need a lot of my attention and along with him I also have a4 year old daughter. With normal pet needs and the little shedding its just not resonable to keep him arou d my son. He's playful, happy, sweet, active, and cuddly. He has the most beautiful yellow coat with lighter, whiter angle wings on hes shoulder blades. He's up to date on all of hes shots, checkups, and has not been neutered yet. If that is an issue we can take care of it. He has a vet who we love and trust and absolutely can send you or give you all info for him. He has his paypers and is chipped. Since we've had Cloud we have fed him the best food. Bathed him with the best prouducts, and have brushes to keep him nice and groomed. Cloud comes with a very nice decrative dog kenal, a huge fluffy pediatric dog bed, shampoo, conditioner, grooming brushes, toys, Taste of the Wild, big bag of food, tons of treats, and 2 collars and a dog leash. Please, only serious inquiries only. THANK YOU.