They’re in their mid teens. Perfect feather.They knows how to give kisses, and speak a handful of words already (Including: Hi, Hello, Mom, How ya doing, Love you, Honk Honk and loves to have an evil laugh "Hahahaha") Also makes plenty of other sounds, and is a quick learner. Great with our 4 young kids even. They will come with : - Large Cage on wheels, came with a play top, but we built a custom wooden perch that they enjoys much more (Both included). - Potty pads, these fit the cage top and inside perfectly, still have well over 100 left at time of posting. - Travel Cage/carrier with wooden perch. Only used maybe twice, has 2 doors; one in front, one on the side. - Top custom wooden perch also include 2 new stainless steel bowls and places to hang additional toys. - Table Top perch, custom made perch that you can move around the house wherever you want, she loves it and can climb onto it herself. - Handfuls of toys, treats and toys (some you can see in the pics) contact email or text (xxxxxxxxxx