I have an amazing litter of six beautiful cavamalts (cavalier king Charles x Maltese ) there are two boys and four girls and were born on 13 December to our much loved kc reg cavalier king Charles called belle. she is 2 years old. dad is a gorgeous five generation pedigree Maltese called Benson. Belle is a fantastic mum and these puppies are having the very best start to life. they are weaned onto James well beloved puppy biscuits and they are doing well with toilet training. they have been wormed at 2 and 5 weeks with panacur and will be microchipped, flea treated with advocate, fully vet checked and of course there first vaccination. they will also have four weeks free pet plan insurance. these puppies really are beautiful with such a gentle nature and will make the most wonderful addition to the right caring family home. they will be ready to go on 8th of Feb when they are 8 weeks old.