2 male maltipoo mixed with Maltese puppies.. This dog breed is small and they do not grow big! They are very cuddly and love to give kisses once they have warmed up to you. (They were born the 30th of August, they should be able to go to there new home by the 30th of October. if not even sooner (contact xxxxxxxxxx for more information) mother of the pups weight 7 lbs, dad weighs 5-6 lbs. they are small and great indoor dogs. We will be taking care of there first vaccinations and there dewormations. And if asked if we will give you there vet papers. (if you do not respond to our messages or ignore us without advising us that you would no longer like the puppy we will instantly block you and move on to the next person.). (We can hold off the puppy if you ask us too aswell.