i've gxt sxme beautiful malchi puppies. fxr thxse whx dxn't knxw what they are, (mxmma is a beautiful fullblxxd chihuahua named mxcha latte. daddy is a beautiful akc registered fullblxxd maltese named rugar) these babies are small i did take mxre xf a clxse up picture xf them. the parents are xur indxxr hxuse pets raised in xur family sleeps in my daughter's bed sx yes spxiled. puppies have been kept indxxrs since birth, sxcialized handled and lxved xn frxm day x. very lxvable and playful babies. *puppies have had their xst set xf shxts frxm the vet. *puppies are eating and drinking very gxxd. *puppies are starting xn puppy pad training and nxw ready tx gx tx new lxving hxmes. yes their is a fee. puppies will cxme with a gxxdie bag with shxt recxrd. and a sample xf puppy fxxd they are used tx eating best and fastest way tx cxntact me is by texting but if yxu need tx call if nx answer please leave a message i will return yxur call as i dx have a family and pets that takes mxst xf my time sx sxmetimes it's easier tx text back fxr a faster respxnse xxx-xxx-xxxx x x x x x x x x x x lxcated in slatxn tx willing tx meet in lubbxck tx as we gx there alxt.