Gunner is a very sharp looking black bi with 2 brown eyes, he is ready for his forever family. He is extremely loving and will cuddle all day long! Loves children and does well with other dogs. He should mature to about 16" tall. He is litter trained and will use a doggy door, we have been working on bell training as well but are still in the "playing" stage with that. He has been wormed multiple times, will have 2 puppy shots, dew claws and tail are done, and he will be micro-chipped. He was born and raised under foot in our dining room and is already pre-spoiled and ready to be someone's best friend. We are in NW Kansas but will travel 200 miles for just the price of fuel. Longer distances negotiable. We will fly the puppy only with an adult in the cabin of the plane - NO CARGO shipping.