Clark Griswald is an AKC mini poodle, he is an apricot and white parti. Clark was born on 10-25-22 and will be ready for his forever home on 12-10-22. His parents are mom Rumour a9 lb mini poodle, and dad Scrappy a 14lb mini poodle. Clark will be between 9 and 18 lbs full-grown. All puppies have been raised in our home. They are used to daily household noises and have been around children and other pets including cats. At 6 weeks of age, our puppies start crate training and potty training. Any puppies purchased that are ready to go home before Christmas will be held at no additional charge until Dec 23rd. Any puppies that will be ready to go after Christmas that you would like to give as a gift will come with a personal video to your loved one showing the puppy as a reveal. For more information and pictures please go to https://xxxx