Raised in home with children and learning everyday skills super fun loving and playful Mu..
Glory and Martin had a litter of absolute beautiful, healthy little boys that we are now ..
These beauties will be ready 11/29/24 I have 2 males that are $2500 and 3 females that ar..
We have a litter of 5 Cavalier puppies that are ready for their new homes. They are lovea..
9 week female boxer/rottweiler puppy, mom is full blooded boxer, dad is full blooded rott..
Pit mix 9 weeks old shots up to date white with black eyes/ears sweet pup..
These beautiful puppies are absolutely the sweetest babies I’ve ever raised. I have bee..
7 puppies (4 male, 3 female). Born April 7. Will get their 6 week shots before relocating..
These beauties will be ready 11/29/24 I have 2 males that are $2500 and 3 females that ar..
Jim Carrey is a 10 month shorthair Whippet/Terrier mix, weighs about 25 lbs, and is about..
6 month old puppy needs potty trained and socializing. Great little dog full of energy..
4 month old dark gray female lab mix. Free to good home. She’s very lovable and intelli..
These puppies have a beautiful Golden Retriever as their mother and a handsome Pitbull as..
Great family pet, energetic, hypoallergenic, playful and loving furry puppies. Smart and ..
Black and white lab/pitt will be 2 in december has all shots is nutered and chipped..
Hello Moody is only 12 weeks and has her first set of shots. She is a mixed pit bull full..
hello i'm rehoming the last available puppy from my 4 puppy litter of mystery small breed..
We have four approximately 16-weeks old puppies that need to find safe and loving homes. ..
I wanted to introduce you to our little one, who is available now. She is full of energy,..
These two male 8 week old puppies will be ready to go this Thursday. The mom is a Yorkie ..
Our dog is a6 month old German Shepard Husky mix, she’s very hyper, she sheds quite a l..
Hercules is a sweet 2 (almost 3) year old boy that needs a new home. I can’t afford to ..
1/4 Border Collie, 1/8 Catahoula, 5/8 Australian Shepherd
These Kansas Catausses take ..
Home raised Poms available. Registerable. First set of vaccines. They will be ready to go..
I have to travel for my job and they don’t allow pets since I’ll be staying in hotels..
Hes a great lovable pup, loves people and great with kids. Just the sometimes he gets ove..
Cute Frenchton puppies 1 female 2 male. My puppies are AKC registered. Puppies come with ..
non-shedding hypo-allergenic puppies are sure to please and become a part of your family...
We have two males and one female still available. 12 weeks old. Tails have been docked an..
Pug puppies born xx-xx-xx. Vet checked and dew claws removed. First shots and deworming. ..
Sad day for me! Our new french bulldog we just picked up is needing an unfortunate immedi..