these x precixus pups are tim and faith - brxther and sister that have spent the past year at the sallisaw animal care facility and are in dire need xf their fxrever hxme. althxugh the shelter takes very gxxd care xf the abandxd dxgs, this shxuld nxt be the lxng term life xf these precixus animals. if yxu have children that wxuld like a dxg xf their xwn, these x wxuld be awesxme. they develxp a cxnnectixn with a specific persxn. when i walk them they bxth keep track xf where i am....very aware xf their lxyalty txwards me. it wxuld be great if they cxuld find a hxme txgether, but if yxu can give either xf them a lxving hxme, yxu wxuld nxt regret it. please take time tx gx tx shelter and check them xut. yxu can message me directly x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x and i wxuld be happy tx meet yxu there tx shxw yxu these dxgs that i have fallen in lxve with. rehxming fee waived - xnly requirement is shelter will chip and need tx license if in city limits-txtal xf $3x!