Say hello to Dexter! Dexter is a male AKC Limited Newfoundland, he is just a bundle of joy and sure to bring lots of fun to any home. He has a beautiful black and white fluffy coat. He was born on Feb 18, 2017. He will come, up to date on shots, worming and will be vet checked. Mom weighs 90 lbs and dad weighs 110 lbs. They are asking $550.00 AKC Limited and AKC Full $1499.00 for him. If you think he is the most dapper guy and you want to bring him home. Then, please contact the wonderful people at That Doggy in the Window at the number below and make it happen. We advertise for breeders located in Ohio We offer Door to Door Delivery and shipping More puppies for sale at www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx#].xxx Call or Text xxx-xxx-xxxx Email: