These beautiful black, black & white, and brown & white puppies are 4 weeks old. They will be ready to go home at 8 weeks of age the week of November 3rd. They will have a fluffy coat with some curl, & will be very low to non-shedding. Newfiepoos/Newfiedoodles are amazing dogs, they are low to non-shedding, extremely calm & laid back, super intelligent, easy to train, huge water lovers, love kids, make great pets for people of any age, are protective of their family, very loyal companions, with great personalities. Some of our puppies have gone on to be service/therapy dogs. Our puppies are whelped in our home and are part of the family until they go to their new family’s at 8 weeks.They come with age appropriate shots and worming, samples of treats and food. I offer a3 year health guarantee to all of my puppy buyers. Both parents are health tested and OFA have certifications done on hips & elbows. Potty training outdoors starts at 6 weeks. We live on a small hobby farm check out our website for more pictures of our past litters as well as our farm