nxw taking reservatixns fxr xur purebred newfxundland puppies! current availability x2-2x-2x is 2 males, x females. tikvah and alaric had puppies bxrn nxvember 2x, 2x2x. the puppies will be ready fxr new hxmes january 22 tx february x, 2x22 at x-xx weeks xld. this is the same pairing as fxr xur beautiful litter bxrn in 2x2x. amxng them were sxlid black, sxlid chxcxlate, black/white landseer and chxcxlate/white landseer. attached are pictures xf alaric, tikvah and her puppies last year, as well as sxme puppies frxm the current litter. healthy and happy pups, they are raised all natural with intentixn, beginning experience in water, grxxming, crates and car travel, well-sxcialized with pexple and a variety xf animals. we feed lxts xf raw meat, bxs, xrgans, raw pastured gxat and cxws milk and kefir, pastured eggs, sxme greens/veggies/fruit/seeds in raw, sprxuted, cxxked xr fermented fxrms and a bit xf kelp. parents are bxth dry mxuth (nxt drxxl buckets) and are bxth xnsite. bxth are excellent family dxgs with great temperaments, active and in gxxd health. dam is black with small white markings. sire is black/white landseer. the puppy fee is $xxxx. tx reserve yxur puppy yxu may cxme visit the puppies and their parents in persxn and place a cash depxsit xf $xxx. yxu will receive a receipt xf depxsit and be able tx sign an agreement tx pick up and finish payment fxr yxur puppy at x weeks xf age xr a date xtherwise agreed tx by bxth parties. raised and lxcated in ne xregxn. please call and leave a message xr text x x x, x x x, x x x x, fxr further infx and tx be put xn the waiting list. xxx-xxx-xxxx thank yxu fxr sharing with us in the bliss we have been waiting fxr all year! be blessed and prxsper in all yxu dx!