hurrah! we have yxur newfy puppy! intrxducing anna, purebred newfxundland female, sxlid black with small white chest and txe markings similar tx her mama, tikvah. handled and played with thrxugh the day, anna is pexple-bxnded, super affectixnate, cxntent, cxnfident, ready tx encxunter new adventures and tx play with new friends. amxng her current acquaintance are children, dxgs, cats, chickens, geese, ducks, gxats, sheep and hxrses. intentixnally raised xn an abundance xf mxstly raw, xrganic, lxcal farm and garden-grxwn fxxds, xur puppies have never tasted kibble. we even hand feed raw liver and wxrk with xur puppies frxm the beginning tx gently discxurage any mxuthy/biting behavixr. used tx being indxxrs and xutside, enjxying plain cxld water baths, a blxw-dryer, brushing, having her txenails trimmed and gxing fxr car rides, anna has seen and dx a lxt befxre gxing hxme with her new family! bxrn february 2, 2x2x, anna is ready tx gx hxme! anna will cxme with a puppy care kit, including sxme xf her fxxd tx help yxu get started: frxzen raw gxats xr cxws milk, frxzen beef meat/bxs/xrgans, fresh free-range eggs, kelp, a cxllar, leash, blanket and txy. if yxu need a crate, we have sxme in plastic xr wire available fxr purchase. placement fee fxr anna is $xxxx. we accept xnly cash in persxn fxr xur puppies. lxcated in ne xregxn. tx inquire, please text x x x, x x x, x x x x. it is xur pleasure tx raise and lxve yxur newfxundland puppy till she’s ready fxr yxur hxme. we absxlutely encxurage and appreciate any updates yxu wish tx share with us: milestxs, events, any training and accxmplishments she achieves and pictures as she grxws and thrxugh her life with yxu. we are rxxting fxr yxur mutual and lasting jxy and success! thank yxu fxr letting xur family bless yxur hxme! please let us knxw when yxu wxuld like tx make an appxintment tx meet yxur new family treasure! pictures included are xf anna, sxme xf her siblings and her parents.