I have 6 Black Seal Olde English Bulldogge puppies with papers/3 are left, 2 boys and one girl. They were born 10/28/17 and will be 9 wks old 12/30/17. They are very socialized & loved with small children, dogs, and other animals. They are held and loved daily. In the pics, Vixen is the girl & Comet & Cupid are the boys. CASH ONLY at time of pick up & we can meet part way if you are out of state. We will go as far as 150 miles/300 round trip. We are in Fredericktown, OH 43019, 40 miles North of Columbus, OH and very close to interstate 71. Please call/text Connie @ xxx xxx-xxx2, email me at xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx or msg me (Connie Diane Monahan) on Facebook for any questions you may have. They are $1995...thank you & Happy New Year!!