Intact male teddy bear puppy for sale. Bichon frise shitzu mix. He is non shedding and hypoallergenic. Harley is 10 months old. He will be 1 year old January 31st. He is up to date on his vaccinations. He has passed puppy beginner and intermediate training classes. He is house trained and crate trained. He has been raised around young children (2 and 5) and does well with them. He needs a new home due to the health of his owner. He is friendly, playful, and happy go lucky. He would be a great addition to any family. He was just weighed at the groomers and is 22lbs Price is 500 OBO. This is due to him having received vaccines, puppy training, and being house and crate trained already. This also is due to the fact that he would being coming with his crate, bed, toys, food, bowls, leash and harness, and any other supplies we have purchased for him. Pictures are before he was groomed and after. He usually has curly hair. A few pics are in his kennel because he is usually running around after my 5 year old. We are located in Minnesota