They were born November 5. They will come with their first round of shots and dewormer, v..
Ready to find new homes 7+ weeks old. 3 males 2 females. Has 1st shot parents are our pet..
14-week-old AKC-registered French Bulldog puppies are looking for loving homes! We have 2..
We have 100% Golden Retrievers AKC registered puppies. Puppies are so playful ready to po..
Need to find a home for my 12 weeks old Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies. They get along with..
AKC registered Corgi Puppies AKC registered Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies. Champion blo..
Akc, first set of shots,
2,4,6,8 deworming, female, ready for forever home..
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Litter of Puppies For Sale in LEWISVILLE, TX, USA
Born on 4/3/2021...
14-week-old AKC-registered French Bulldog puppies are looking for loving homes! We have 2..
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies
now ready for their New Homes, Kindly Contact with your Ph..
Born June 12th, 2020. His name is Covi (like COVID, because we got him in the beginning o..
1 male tricolor 1 tricolor female and 1 red/white female corgis looking for their forever..
1 male tricolor 1 tricolor female and 1 red/white female corgis looking for their forever..
Call xxx xxx xxx2 for more information. Located in xxxx. Best basenjis around...
5 Pembroke welsh corgi, xxx-xxx-xxxx
Corgis, Fe-Male Born 11/20
Up to date on vaccinati..
10 Week old male Corgi for sale
He will come with a 36 inch dog crate, leash, toys, pu..
We have a litter of 7 corgis born on 12/29/20. It was unplanned and happened a week befor..
Jackson is 11 weeks old. He is potty trained, excellent health records and registered wit..
Dotti and Oliver had 3 absolute beautiful little ones. There is 2 boys and 1 little girl...
I need to rehome my puppy. Price is a bit negotiable.
She comes with AKC papers/health r..
Murphie is a spayed female registered with AKC, 11 mo old, very sweet and energetic; need..
We have lovely Corgi male and female available-veterinarian checked and microchipped worm..
Best Looking Corgi Puppies.They are so sweet.They are Males and females and will make a p..
I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..
Luna, she is 3 months old. Vaccination up to date. She is 85% corgi and 15% Australian ca..
Luna, she is 3 months old. Vaccination up to date. She is 85% corgi and 15% Australian ca..
They are ready to meet their loving home now.They are males and females.They will make a ..
Beautiful Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies for new home. We have male and female puppies avai..
ACA Pug ,Great lines ACA/AKC Champion Lines! current three plus sets of shots ,four sets ..
I have a dame and sire English Cream Golden Retriever. They have puppies once or twice a ..
Beautiful litter of Australian Mountain Doodles looking for their furever home just after..
Good bloodlines: Parents have ofa clearance on eyes, cardiac, thyroid, hips and elbows. A..