AKC , Arlo was born November 9, he’s a beautiful Ice white Pomeranian boy. Very lovable..
First round of vaccines, dewormed, and physical examination. Weights only 1 pound and her..
Teacup Yorkie puppies
2 girls and 1 boy at $1500. Our babies have been handled since bir..
Call xxx xxx xxx2 for more information. Located in xxxx. Best basenjis around...
this dogs name is lucy she is one year old and she is STUPID she killed all her puppys ne..
Hi is a sweet little ball of fluff! He is charting to be around 4lbs. and has a huge hair..
These are teacup white Pomeranian puppies. They are so very tiny and petites. Only going ..
The Pomeranian is an energetic, intelligent dog which is eager to learn and very loyal to..
Teacup Yorkie puppies
2 girls and 1 boy at $1500. Our babies have been handled since bir..
Purebred Pomeranian puppies for adoption. Beautiful white puppy, will be 4-6 lbs full gro..
CKC Registered Pomeranian female puppies. Have been vet checked and vaccinated, dewormed ..
A beautiful litter of Tibetan Terrier Puppies.
Both boys and girls still available and l..
Hi everyone meet Rena the last baby in our litters left and she is the smallest..
Awesome male black and white. We have the best Basenjis. Call for all references and base..
Male Pomeranian 12 weeks old . White with a lil brown on ear and a small spot on back . P..
Text Tim at . All of our puppies KC Registered and they come with full registration and f..
Adorable Male And Female Pomeranian pups for sell,10 weeks old,they are AKC Reg,vet check..
Our puppies are known for their big personalities! They are fluffy, affectionate t-cup po..
Silver and white pups. 3 months old. Up to date on shots,spayed or neutered, vet checked,..
Pur bred 10 week old pups 3 males 2 females dewclaws clipped, tails docked,wormed,& v..
Beautiful Pomeranian puppies just turned 12 weeks and are now ready to meet their new lov..
This sweetheart is a Cream/Sable Pomeranian male. He will be 8 weeks 2/12/21. He is very ..
This sweetheart is a tri color Pomeranian male. He will be 8 weeks 2/12/21. He is full of..
Hello all! Thank you for visiting my page. I have 6 beautiful males available for their f..
they are a sweetheart. they know sit, lay down, and stay. loves to be right on your lap. ..
Koda - Beautiful female puppy for sale, Full AKC certified. 9 months old, house trained, ..
8 month old Pomeranian mix do not know what other breed. White and orange coat has been n..
Selling 2 Male Pomeranians.
Brown Pom $650
White Pom $800
***Already With Vaccines &a..
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
Mini Bernedoodle Puppies available for sale! Much more info with pictures and current pri..
Beautiful litter of Australian Mountain Doodles looking for their furever home just after..
These pups were raised in our home/ full AKC dogs. Any questions email me or call. We hav..