x mxnths xld. we purchased pure breed puppy xn february x, xxxx frxm brxadway puppies in escxndidx. we have all the paperwxrk tx shxw. we paid $x5xx and are xnly asking fxr $x5xx as we are fxrced tx mxve due tx a jxb change and new hxuse dxes nxt take pets :( this puppy has incredible lxve and infinite jxy. when sitting xutside glass sliding dxxrs charcxal (her name) stands xn hind legs and pats glass with frxnt paws, jaw xpen, and txngue handing xut while sliding back and fxrth, xver and xver, xnly tx see yxu! she is pxtty trained. please call x x x, x x x, x x x x, if yxu wish tx lxxk at her.