We are committed to raising healthy, intelligent and trainable puppies. Vet examined, up ..
Petitie is a sweet little boy. He is registered and very healthy. Looking for the perfect..
Looking for a loyal, companion? My beautiful Amerixan Bully puppies are ready to join the..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
This is Queen Latifah and she is a sable beauty that lives up to her name. She is an AKC ..
A male toy poodle. White in colorand black color near his eyes. He will be 1 year old in ..
Mini poodle pup (10 weeks) for sale. Owner is allergic and looking to find new home for t..
Beautiful light brown full of energy and life for sale a to good loving home....
Looking for a loyal, companion? My beautiful Amerixan Bully puppies are ready to join the..
Bear is from champion bloodlines. He is a Silver Parti which means he is black now, but w..
beautiful healty pup mom is parti black and white Dad is merle standard poodle both paren..
It’s a she. She’s very playful. She’s not trained. She like to eat. She likes going..
We have three females 9 weeks old.
They eat now and are pure breed poodle. Not mix
Born on 12/23/2024 ready for February 23 2025. I have 4 girls and 4 boys the one black, o..
i will pay 4 or 5 dollars for travel, I just need an emotional support dog right now i'm ..
All Girls , Born 4/28/20 . No papers, Almost ready..
Female 4 weeks old on April 16. Mom's weight is 4 1/2 pounds and dad's weight is 4 pounds..
Karma is a moyen size poodle she will be between 14-25lbs full grown. She is the last of ..
Born on Jan 4th, we have 6 puppies, 4 females, 2 males, will be vet checked and dewormed,..
Beau is a jewel. He is very spoiled and loves attention.. He knows what No means and love..
Meet Warren! His momma is Flurry and his dad is Marvelous Merle Haggard. Warren comes wit..
Clover will be ready for her forever home on April 26th, 2020. She is a blue merle with l..
Snowflake will be ready for his forever home on April 26th, 2020. He is a white and cream..
Orange sable color 4males 2 females looking for new loving homes..
Nibbles will be ready for his forever home on April 26th, 2020. He is a blue merle with l..
Gavin will be ready for his forever home on April 26th, 2020. He is black with white mark..
Higgins will be ready for his forever home on April 26th, 2020. He is a black and white p..
Thumper will be ready for her forever home on April 26th, 2020. She is a blue merle. her ..
Litter of 9. 5 gray(4 boys 1 girl) 4 black (3 girls 1boy). Mom is AKC paper & Pedigre..
All boy puppies ready for there forever homes fawn and black..
AKC FRENCH BULLDOGS STARTING $2500.00 Text or Call xxx-xxx-xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..
I have 3 girls and one boy Akc reg vet checked with a health certificate Mom and Dad have..